
The SessionStorage interface is a design pattern that outlines how the SessionKit will utilize storage. Developers may use this interface to define custom storage engines, should the BrowserLocalStorage included by default not meet the applications needs.


 * Interface storage adapters should implement.
 * Storage adapters are responsible for persisting [[Session]]s and can optionally be
 * passed to the [[SessionKit]] constructor to auto-persist sessions.
export interface SessionStorage {
   * Write string to storage at key.
   * Should overwrite existing values without error.
  write(key: string, data: string): Promise<void>

  /** Read key from storage.
   * Should return `null` if key cannot be found.
  read(key: string): Promise<string | null>

  /** Delete key from storage.
   * Should not error if deleting non-existing key.
  remove(key: string): Promise<void>