
The restore method is made available on the SessionKit instance. When called, the SessionKit instance will access its own SessionStorage in an attempt to return a valid Session for the application to use. This method is intended to be used on page load to restore any previous user sessions automatically, or when any form of account switcher that allows the end user to switch between accounts is being used in a multi-account environment.


Given an existing instance of the SessionKit, the async method restore can be called and awaited without any additional parameters to automatically restore the last active session.

const session = await sessionKit.restore()

The value returned from the restore method will be an instance of the Session, ready to use. This usage of the restore method is commonly used on page load to automatically populate the previously active session.

If no session was found, a value of undefined will be returned.


The restore method can also optionally accept an object to specify which Session should be restored.

Example: Switch Accounts

The restore method can also be used in conjunction with the getSessions() method provided by the SessionKit to restore a specific Session. This is a recommended approach in multi-account environments where the application allows the user to actively switch between accounts.

// Retrieve a list of all sessions that exist
const sessions = await sessionKit.getSessions()

// Use some form of logic or allow the user to pick one
// In this simple example, we just select the first in the array
const selected = sessions[0]

// Pass the selected session to the restore call
const session = await sessionKit.restore(selected)

Example: Specific Chain

In situations where the application has a function to switch blockchains, and the application needs to restore for a specific blockchain, the chain parameter can be passed in.

const session = await sessionKit.restore({

The result of this call will be the most recently used Session for the Jungle 4 blockchain.