
The Int base type extends into a family of different binary integer types with underlying values represented by a BN.js instance. By default, these types follow the C++11 standard for arithmetic operators and conversions to mirror operations found in Antelope smart contracts.


While the base Int type is never used directly, it provides common functionality for all of the following core types below.

  • Int8
  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • Int128
  • UInt8
  • UInt16
  • UInt32
  • UInt64
  • UInt128
  • VarInt
  • VarUInt

These can all be included in projects for direct use and are returned by a number of different API requests. They are all used in the internals of other core types, like the UInt64 value contained in the Name type or the Asset type containing both a UInt64 and Int64 value.


Any of the above variants of Int can be included and used in a project. The examples throughout this document will primarily use the UInt64 type, but it’s important to note that all operations and usage will be similar no matter which of the types are used.

Basic Usage

import { UInt64 } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const integer = UInt64.from(12345678)

All Int types internally will use an instance of BN.js, which can be accessed as the .value property.

const integer = UInt64.from(12345678)

integer // UInt64 instance
integer.value // BN.js instance


Every variant has an .equals() operator which can compare the equality of two Int types, or between an Uint8Array and Int type.

const a = UInt64.from(1)
const b = UInt64.from(1)
const c = UInt128.from(1)

const isEqual = a.equals(b) // results in `true`
const isEqual = a.equals(c) // results in `true`
const isEqual = a.equals(1) // results in `true`

const isEqual = a.equals(2) // results in `false`

A secondary boolean parameter offers strict checking, which will cause the comparison to only be valid if the Int types are the same type.

const a = Int64.from(1)
const b = Int64.from(1)
const c = UInt64.from(1)

const isEqual = a.equals(b, true) // results in `true`
const isEqual = a.equals(c, true) // results in `false`, since a is Int64 and c is UInt64


A number of mathematical operations have been implemented using bn.js and exposed through helpers on every Int type.

All return values will be typed to match the types of the integers used in the operation.

These mathematical operations are exposed in two ways, one which allows mutation of the current integer value and another which performs the operation without mutation and returns the value.

Return Value

The non-mutating variant of these calls will apply the operations to two Int types and provide a return value.

const a = UInt64.from(2)
const b = UInt64.from(4)

const sum = a.adding(b)
// 2 + 4 = 6
console.log(sum) // UInt64.from(6)
console.log(Number(sum)) // 6

const difference = b.subtracting(a)
// 4 - 2 = 2
console.log(difference) // UInt64.from(2)
console.log(Number(difference)) // 2

const product = a.multiplying(b)
// 2 * 4 = 8
console.log(product) // UInt64.from(8)
console.log(Number(product)) // 8

const quotient = b.dividing(a)
// 4 / 2 = 2
console.log(quotient) // UInt64.from(2)
console.log(Number(quotient)) // 2


The mutating variant of these calls will perform the mathematical operation and mutate the value of the Int.

const a = UInt64.from(2)
const b = UInt64.from(4)
const c = UInt64.from(5)

console.log(Number(a)) // 2

a.add(b) // 2 + 4 = 6
console.log(Number(a)) // 6

a.subtract(c) // 6 - 5 = 1
console.log(Number(a)) // 1

a.multiply(b) // 1 * 4 = 4
console.log(Number(a)) // 4

a.divide(2) // 4 / 2 = 2
console.log(Number(a)) // 2



When an Int type overflows its maximum value, one of the defined behaviors will be used to handle the overflow. A secondary parameter on relevant mathematical operators can be provided to override how this is handled.

  • truncate (default): Truncates or extends bit-pattern with sign extension (C++11 behavior).
  • throw: Throws an error if value overflows (or underflows).
  • clamp: Clamps the value within the supported range.

When using the division operator on integers, any remainder needs to be automatically handled. For this, a second parameter can optionally be provided to decide which of the 3 options are used:

  • floor (default): Round down to nearest integer.
  • round: Round to nearest integer.
  • ceil: Round up to nearest integer.

Static Methods

All Int core types offer static methods based on their integer type.

Minimum Value

// Retrieve the minimum value for a UInt64 as a UInt64
const minimum = UInt64.min()

// BN { negative: 0, words: [ 0 ], length: 1, red: null }

// 0

Maximum Value

// Retrieve the maximum value for a UInt64 as a UInt64
const maximum = UInt64.max()

BN {
  negative: 0,
  words: [ 67108863, 67108863, 4095, <1 empty item> ],
  length: 3,
  red: null

// 18446744073709552000