
A Table class instances represents a specific table defined within an Antelope smart contract. Once instantiated, it offers several methods that simplify the process of retrieving table data.


Generally with an existing Contract instance, the table() method can be used to create Table instances. If the need arises to manually create a Table instance, it can also be instantiated by providing the ABI, account name, table name, and an APIClient.

import { Table } from "@wharfkit/contract"
import { APIClient } from "@wharfkit/antelope"
import type { TableRow } from "./types"

import abi from "./abi.json" // ABI for the contract that hosts the table.

const table = new Table({
  account: "contract_name",
  name: "table_name",
  client: new APIClient(""),


The Table constructor accepts an object containing the following configuration data:

  • abi: The complete ABI of the smart contract.
  • account: The name of the account that the contract is deployed to on-chain.
  • name: The name of the table to retrieve as defined in the ABI.
  • client: An instance of an APIClient that will be used to fetch blockchain data.


The Table constructor can also be used with additional optional parameters during construction:

  • rowType: The data type of the rows returned by the Table instance.
  • defaultRowLimit: The default number of rows to fetch when using the all and query methods.
  • defaultScope: The default scope to use when fetching table rows.


Given an existing Table instance, a number of methods and read-only properties are made available to utilize the table data.


  • get - Retrieves a specific row from the table by a given key.
  • query - Returns a Cursor to paginate through rows given specific query parameters.
  • first - Returns a Cursor to paginate through the first X table rows using the default order.
  • all - Recursively retrieve all table rows using multiple API calls.
  • scopes - Returns a Cursor to fetch the different table scopes available in the table.


  • abi: The ABI definition for the contract.
  • account: The name of the account that the contract is deployed to.
  • name: The name of the smart contract table.
  • rowType: The Typescript type of the rows returned by the table.
  • tableAbi: The part of the ABI definition that is specific to the table.