
The Signature built-in type represents an instance of a signature as the result of public-key cryptography. Signatures are used within the Antelope ecosystem for things like authorizing a Transaction or a producer signing a block. A signature can be generated using a PrivateKey and signatures can be verified by comparing its contents to the corresponding PublicKey.


Internally, a Signature object is stored as Bytes and a corresponding key type (K1, R1, or WA). When output as a string, the signature’s plain text representation consists of:



Given an existing signature string, a Signature typed object may be created using the .from() static method.

import { Signature } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const signature = Signature.from(

Creating Signatures

To create new signatures, a PrivateKey must be used to sign a transaction digest.

Recover PublicKey

Given a known chain ID, transaction, and signature - the Signature type offers a recoverDigest method that is capable of extracting the public key used during the signature creation in order to validate the signature. The example below defines all these public elements and then recovers the PublicKey used to sign the transaction.

import { Signature, Transaction } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const chainId =

const transaction = Transaction.from({
  ref_block_num: 123,
  ref_block_prefix: 456,
  expiration: 992,
  actions: [
      account: "eosio.token",
      name: "transfer",
      authorization: [{ actor: "foo", permission: "active" }],
      data: "0000000000855c340000000000000e3da40100000000000001474d5a0000000007666f7220796f75",

const signature = Signature.from(

const recoveredKey = signature.recoverDigest(


The key recovered here can then be compared against the on-chain authority of the authorizing account to ensure the transaction is valid.