
The Asset type on Antelope blockchains represents a specific amount of a given token, with an example being 10.0000 FOO. Internally it is represented by combining two UInt64 values, one for the numerical quantity and one for the string-based token Symbol.


The Asset type can be imported and then initialized in multiple ways. The first and most common way to initialize an asset is by passing a formatted string.

import { Asset } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const balance = Asset.from("1.0000 FOO")

The Asset type will automatically determine the decimal precision based on the amount of numbers after the decimal. In the above example, the precision is 4. It will also determine the Symbol of the asset based on the string that follows the numeric value, in this case FOO.

An internal representation of the numeric value is also maintained for use in integer-based math and is surfaced on a property named units.

An example representation of the above Asset in JSON data would be:

  "precision": 4,
  "symbol": "FOO",
  "units": 10000,
  "value": 1

From Number

An Asset can also be created using a combination of numeric and Symbol data by passing the numeric value as the first parameter, followed by either a Symbol instance or a string representation of a symbol.

A string representation of a Symbol is a numeric value of the decimal precision, followed by the string asset label.

// 1 value + 4 precision + "foo" label
const balance = Asset.from(1, "4,FOO")
// 1.0000 FOO

// 0.05 value + 8 precision + "bar" label
const balance = Asset.from(0.05, "8,BAR")
// 0.05000000 BAR

// 0.05 value + 4 precision + "foo" label
const balance = Asset.from(0.05, Asset.Symbol.from("4,FOO"))
// 0.0500 FOO

// 0.05 value + 4 precision + "foo" label
const balance = Asset.from(0.05, Asset.Symbol.fromParts("FOO", 4))
// 0.0500 FOO

From Units

The fromUnits method is also available to build Asset instances when performing integer math.

// 10000 units + 4 precision + "EOS" label
const balance = Asset.fromUnits(10000, "4,EOS")
// 1.0000 EOS

// 100 units + 8 precision + "WAX" label
const balance = Asset.fromUnits(100, "8,WAX")
// 0.00000100 WAX

// 300 units + 4 precision + "FOO" label
const balance = Asset.fromUnits(300, "4,FOO")
// 0.0300 FOO


With an Asset instance established, a number of properties are made readily available for use in applications.


The units portion of an Asset contains a representation of the amount as an Int64 value. It can be accessed through the .units property on the Asset.

const balance = Asset.from("10.0000 FOO")

console.log(balance.units) // Int64.from(100000)
console.log(Number(balance.units)) // Number(100000)

With the units value of an asset being an Int64, it can make use of all the built-in Int math operations.


IMPORTANT: Due to the oddities surrounding floating point math in Javascript, if you plan to perform mathematical operations with an Asset, it is recommended you use the Units value (.units property) or internal mathematical operators instead.

Each Asset has a .value property which can be accessed to utilize the value of the asset as a native Javascript Number.

const balance = Asset.from("10.0000 FOO")

console.log(balance.value) // Number(10)

const balance = Asset.from("0.0001 FOO")

console.log(balance.value) // Number(0.0001)


The Symbol portion of an Asset represents its name and decimal precision. The .symbol value exists on the Asset class, providing the string representation of the symbol and the precision.

const balance = Asset.from("10.00000000 FOO")
console.log( // String('FOO')
console.log(balance.symbol.precision) // Number('8')

Rendering Assets

When displaying an Asset to a user and a readable format is required, the asset object itself just needs to be cast to a String.

const balance = Asset.from("10.0000 FOO")

console.log(String(balance)) // "10.0000 FOO"