Generate ContractKit Code

The generate command is used to create ContractKit code in TypeScript for use in client applications, tailored to a specific Antelope smart contract. It does this by analyzing the ABI of a contract and then outputs the resulting code either into the console or out to a file.

The resulting code contains:

  • All the necessary imports from the Antelope and Contract Kit libraries.
  • A namespace matching the contract exported to contain all of the generated code for use in an application.
  • An instance of a Contract that’s aware of all the contract’s tables and actions.
  • Interfaces that define all of the contract Action parameters using Antelope types.
  • An export named abi that contains a cached version of the contract’s ABI.
  • A Types export containing all of the Struct definitions for data serialization.

The generated code can then be used to interact with the contract in a type-safe manner, provide autocompletion hints for contract data, and serve as an ORM.


The command is called using the generate keyword, followed by the name of the contract to generate code for. At a minimum, the API node URL must also be provided using the --url (or -u for short) option.

npx @wharfkit/cli generate eosio -u

The above example will generate the ContractKit code for the eosio account on the Jungle 4 network.


npx @wharfkit/cli generate <account> -u <url>
  • <account>: The account name of the contract to generate code for (e.g. eosio).
  • -u, --url <url>: The API URL to use to fetch contract data (e.g.


Optional parameters may be passed to the command to control the input and output during code generation.

Output as File

-f, --file [filename]

Specifies the path where the generated file will be saved. If not specified, the file will be logged to the console.

npx @wharfkit/cli generate eosio -u -f ./eosio.ts

Use Local ABI

-j, --json [json]

The path to a JSON file containing the contract ABI. If not specified, the ABI will be fetched using the provided API node URL.

npx @wharfkit/cli generate eosio -u -j ./eosio-abi.json