
The all method allows developers to recursively fetch all rows from a specified smart contract Table.


To retrieve all results from a table, the .all() method can be passed without any parameters.

const rows = await contract.table("table_name").all()

console.log(rows) // logs all rows of the 'table_name' table


The all method accepts an optional object that can be used to specify the query parameters. It can have the following properties:

  • index_position: Designates the index to use in the API query. This will affect which from and to values can be used. In Antelope chains, the index positions follow the pattern of primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.
  • scope: Defines the scope of the rows that should be retrieved.
  • key_type: Indicates the type of index key to be used. This is useful when using secondary indexes.
  • from: Denotes the start of the range for bounded queries.
  • to: Denotes the end of the range for bounded queries.
  • maxRows: Specifies the maximum number of rows to fetch.
  • rowsPerAPIRequest: Determines the number of rows fetched per API request for pagination.


Providing a scope value will restrict the call to return all results from a specific scope.

const rows = contract.table("table_name").all({ scope: "scope_name" })

console.log(rows) // Logs all rows of the 'table_name' table with the 'scope_name' scope


Providing from and to values allows you to restrict the scope of all the results to a specific range.

const rows = contract.table("table_name").all({ from: 1, to: 10 })

console.log(rows) // Logs all rows of the 'table_name' table with index values between 1 and 10

Return Value

The all method returns a promise that resolves to an array of rows from the specified table.