
The P2PClient provided by the Antelope library is a client capable of sending and receiving messages on a native Antelope peer-to-peer network.

A functional example of the code from this guide can be found here:


NOTE: This documentation about the usage of the P2PClient will focus on usage within a Node.js context. While it may be possible in the browser context, it has not been tested.


import { P2PClient } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

The first step in establishing a connection to a P2P network is setting up a net.Socket instance and connecting to a peer on the network.

import { Socket } from "net"

const socket = new Socket()
socket.connect(9876, "jungle4.greymass.com")

This will create a listener and connect it to the desired endpoint.

The next step is setting up the P2PClient instance and giving it an instance of a P2PProvider. A default provider is exported from the Antelope library and is named SimpleEnvelopeP2PProvider. This provider accepts the socket created in the first step and instructs the client to listen to the events it emits.

import {
} from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const client = new P2PClient({
  provider: new SimpleEnvelopeP2PProvider(socket),

At this point the socket is connected and the P2PClient is setup, but the peer the script is connected with is expecting a handshake message to validate the connection. In order for the P2PClient to start brokering messages, a P2P.HandshakeMessage message must be sent with some information about our client and the state it is in.

In this example the script will:

  • Start syncing from the point in time the script is started.
  • Retrieve the current state of the blockchain via the native HTTP APIs for the chain.
  • Generate a random key pair for usage during communication.
  • Generate a random sha256 value to identify the script.

More advanced implementations can be implemented to alter the point in time it starts syncing.

Note: The fetch instance can be omitted if using Node.js v18 or later.

import {
} from "@wharfkit/antelope"
import fetch from "node-fetch"

// Establish API Client and embedding fetch for nodejs below v18
const fetchProvider = new FetchProvider(
  { fetch }
const apiClient = new APIClient({ provider: fetchProvider })

// Request current chain state via get_info call to sync from this point forward
const info = await apiClient.v1.chain.get_info()
const token = Checksum256.hash(info.head_block_time.value.byteArray)

// Generate a key pair for usage in our messages
const privateKey = PrivateKey.generate("K1")
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublic()

// Assemble the P2P.HandshakeMessage
const handshake = P2P.HandshakeMessage.from({
  networkVersion: 0xfe,
  chainId: info.chain_id,
  nodeId: Checksum256.hash(publicKey.data),
  key: publicKey,
  time: info.head_block_time.value,
  sig: privateKey.signDigest(token),
  p2pAddress: "none",
  lastIrreversibleBlockNumber: info.last_irreversible_block_num,
  lastIrreversibleBlockId: info.last_irreversible_block_id,
  headNum: info.head_block_num,
  headId: info.head_block_id,
  os: "nodejs",
  agent: "wharfkit/antelope",
  generation: 4,

// Send the connected client the message

Now with an established connection the script will begin to receive messages and custom logic can be added to read and respond to specific message types.

As an example of how message handling can be done, we start with how to receive and respond to a time_message. This is the message that clients on the P2P network use as a heartbeat to ensure each connection is alive. Without handling and responding to this message, most clients will assume the connection is lost and forcibly disconnect the client.

import { P2P } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

client.on("message", (msg) => {
  // Each message received has a type and data
  const { value } = msg
  // For the sake of seeing socket activity, dump everything to the console
  // Switch based on message type
  switch (value.constructor) {
    // If we receive a time_message...
    case P2P.TimeMessage: {
      // Assemble a response using the current time
      const payload = P2P.TimeMessage.from({
        org: Date.now(),
        rec: 0,
        xmt: 0,
        dst: 0,
      // Respond to the peer to let them know this connection is alive
    default: {

From here on out, the script will remain connected to the peer and continuously receive new messages for as long as it’s running. Each message received will be encoded as one of the NetMessage variants, of which all of the data will be natively typed with the Antelope library. Additional logic can be established to receive blocks, transactions, and the other message types.