
The transact method is available on every Session instance and is used to perform one or more actions against smart contracts. Once completed, it will return a TransactResult object containing the results of the actions performed.


With an existing Session instance, the async method transact can be called with the required arguments.

const arguments = {
  action: {
    account: "eosio.token",
    name: "transfer",
    authorization: [session.permissionLevel],
    data: {
      to: "teamgreymass",
      quantity: "0.1337 EOS",
      memo: "wharfkit is the best <3",

const result = await session.transact(arguments)


The transact call takes an instance of TransactArgs, which requires an object that represents a transaction specified in one of four variants.

interface TransactArgs {
  transaction?: AnyTransaction
  action?: AnyAction
  actions?: AnyAction[]
  request?: SigningRequest | string

Despite all values being optional, one must be specified to define the type of input.

Examples of each are provided below.


A single Action may be passed into the transact call on the action property of the arguments. The transact flow will take the action and form a completed Transaction using this data.

const arguments = {
  action: Action.from(...),

const result = await session.transact(arguments)


An array of Actions may be passed into the transact call on the actions property of the arguments. The transact flow will take the action and form a completed Transaction using this data.

const arguments = {
  actions: [

const result = await session.transact(arguments)


A complete Transaction may be passed into the transact call on the transaction property of the arguments.

const arguments = {
  transaction: Transaction.from(...),

const result = await session.transact(arguments)

Signing Request

A SigningRequest payload may be passed into the transact call on the request property of the arguments. The transact flow will take the request and resolve any placeholder data it contains to form a Transaction.

const arguments = {
  request: "esr://...",

const result = await session.transact(arguments)


Additional parameters may be optionally passed to the transact method. The option specified in this way will override the default values inherited from the Session for this call to transact.

interface TransactOptions {
  abis?: TransactABIDef[]
  abiCache?: ABICacheInterface
  allowModify?: boolean
  broadcast?: boolean
  chain?: Checksum256Type
  expireSeconds?: number
  transactPlugins?: AbstractTransactPlugin[]
  transactPluginsOptions?: TransactPluginsOptions


An array of ABIs can be passed to a specific transact call using the TransactABIDef format.

interface TransactABIDef {
  account: NameType
  abi: ABIDef

This format allows you to associate an account name of a contract with the ABI for the contract. Each ABI passed in this way appends the data to the internal ABICache utilized to optimize API call patterns.


An instance of an ABICache to use for this transact call. This will override the built-in ABICache the Session already utilizes.


A boolean flag to indicate whether the TransactPlugin and WalletPlugin instances are allowed to modify the transaction that the transact caller has provided. Set allowModify: false on the transaction if the transaction as submitted should be immutable during the call.


A boolean flag indicating whether or not the transact call should broadcast the signed transaction to the blockchain.


A Checksum256 value representing the blockchain this transaction is specifically for. This option is only needed if calling transact with a SigningRequest type argument, where the request is multichain: true.


The number of seconds in the future to set the expiration of the transaction, defaulting to 120.


An array of TransactPlugin instances to utilize during this specific transact call.


Any options required by the TransactPlugin instances.