
The login method is made available on the SessionKit instance. It is used to present the authentication process to the end user of the application. Upon completion, this process returns a LoginResult to the application which contains a usable instance of the resulting Session.


Given an existing instance of the SessionKit, the async method login can be called and awaited without any additional parameters.

const sessionKit = new SessionKit(args, options)

const result = await sessionKit.login()

While awaiting the result of this call, the UserInterface defined in the SessionKit will present any required choices to the end user, which allows them to select a WalletPlugin, a ChainDefinition, and a PermissionLevel. The choices made by the end user will be used to create and configure a new Session instance.

Upon completion, the login method will return a LoginResult that contains:

  • The session that is now available to perform transactions.
  • The response from the WalletPlugin that was used, indicating which blockchain and permission was returned.
  • The context object (a LoginContext) that was used during the login process.

The Session instance that was returned in the result will automatically be persisted in the application through use of the SessionStorage adapter, and in the future can be retrieved with the Restore method.


Additional parameters may optionally be passed to the login method in order to further control the flow of this specific call. The option specified in this way will override the defaults inherited in the SessionKit for this specific call to login.

Commonly used parameters that can be passed this way include:

  • chain: The blockchain ID to login against, preventing any user chain selection.
  • chains: An array of blockchain IDs to allow logging in against, overriding the defaults from the SessionKit.
  • permissionLevel: A specific PermissionLevel to login with, preventing any user account selection.
  • walletPlugin: A specific WalletPlugin to authenticate with, preventing any user wallet selection.

A complete list of all parameters can be found in the LoginOptions documentation.

Example Override

Given the following scenario, where the SessionKit is configured to use 5 available blockchains:

const sessionKit = new SessionKit(
    chains: [

const result = await sessionKit.login()

The call to login without any parameters will allow the user to authenticate with any of those blockchains through various means. However, if the application needs to be able to support all of those blockchains but wants to call login against a specific chain in one situation, they can then call the login method and specify that one blockchain.

const result = await sessionKit.login({
  chain: Chains.Jungle4,

Passing the chain parameter with the single blockchain will force that decision during the login process while inheriting all other possible options from the SessionKit itself.