WharfKit Templates Overview

WharfKit developers have the opportunity to create custom plugins that enhance and extend the capabilities of the WharfKit ecosystem. To facilitate the development of these plugins, a series of templates are available. These templates serve as an excellent starting point for developers who wish to contribute to the WharfKit ecosystem by creating new plugins.

Here’s an overview of the available templates:

Account Creation Plugin Template

This template can be used to create account creation plugins that handle account creation. Through those plugins, developers can make any account creation service usable with the SessionKit.

Wallet Plugin Template

This template can be used to create wallet plugins. Through those plugins, developers can make any Antelope wallet compatible with the SessionKit.

Login Plugin Template

This template can be used to create login plugins. These plugins can be used to extend the capabilities of the SessionKit by adding hooks before or after users login.

Transact Plugin Template

This template can be used to create transact plugins. These plugins can be used to extend the capabilities of the SessionKit to allow developers to customize the logic of the Transact method before signing, after signing, and after broadcasting.

User Interface Template

This template can be used as to create User Interfaces. These crucial components of the SessionKit are used to render user interfaces that are used to interact with the SessionKit.