
The undelegate method allows Antelope account owners to undelegate (unstake) CPU or NET resources from their account. It returns an Action instance that details the undelegation. The action can then be signed and executed on-chain using the SessionKit Transact method.


The undelegate method is available on any Account instance. Here is a basic example of how to use it:

const action = testAccount.undelegate({
  cpu: "1.0000 EOS",
  net: "0.5000 EOS",
// Initiates an undelegate action with the specified CPU and NET quantities.

The receiver option can also be specified to return the undelegated resources to another account:

const action = testAccount.undelegate({
  cpu: "1.0000 EOS",
  net: "0.5000 EOS",
  receiver: "wharfkit1112",


  • cpu: The quantity of CPU resources to undelegate, specified as a string (e.g., 1.0000 EOS).
  • net: The quantity of NET resources to undelegate, specified as a string (e.g., 0.5000 EOS).


  • receiver: The Antelope account to which the undelegated tokens should be returned. If not provided, it defaults to the account initiating the undelegate action.

Return Value

The undelegate method returns an Action instance. This action can then be passed to the SessionKit Transact method for execution.