Login Plugin Template

The Login Plugin Template is designed to provide developers with a foundational structure to craft their own login plugins for the Wharf SessionKit.


There are two ways to use this template:

Option 1: Use the GitHub Template Clone Feature

  1. Navigate to the login plugin template repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the Use this template button to create a new repository based on this template.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your new repository.

Option 2: Cloning the Repository Manually

  1. Launch your terminal or command interface.
  2. Clone the template repository with:
    git clone https://github.com/wharfkit/login-plugin-template.git login-plugin-[name]
    Replace [name] with the desired name for your plugin.
  3. Navigate to the newly cloned directory:
    cd login-plugin-[name]

Installing Dependencies

After setting up your plugin, install all the required dependencies:

yarn install

Adapting the Plugin

For guidance on customizing your plugin, please refer to our detailed development documentation.