
The Bytes type is the internal type used for the majority of other Antelope types and is regularly used in conjunction with the Serializer. The Bytes type is capable of wrapping hex, utf-8, and native JavaScript buffers and arrays, which it internally stores as a Uint8Array.


The Bytes type acts as the base data format for many other Antelope types, and so occasionally developers will need to coerce their data into one of the BytesType values. This conversion can be performed by using the Bytes.from method and passing in any of the supported types.

import { Bytes } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const bytes = Bytes.from("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")

The Bytes.from method accepts any of the following parameter types by default:

export type BytesType =
  | Bytes
  | ArrayBufferView
  | ArrayBuffer
  | ArrayLike<number>
  | string

When passing in a string value, it expects a hex string by default. UTF-8 strings are also accepted, but require a 2nd parameter as a type to indicate it should be converted.

import { Bytes } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const bytes = Bytes.from("hello world", "utf8")

Once the Bytes instance is established, it can be output in any of the other possible formats.

import { Bytes } from "@wharfkit/antelope"

const bytes = Bytes.from("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")

// defaults to hex when cast to string
// 68656c6c6f20776f726c64

// output utf8 string
// hello world

// access the internal Uint8Array
Uint8Array(11) [
  104, 101, 108, 108,
  111,  32, 119, 111,
  114, 108, 100