Introduction to Wharfkit Starter Kits

The Starter Kits are a great way to start developing applications on Wharfkit. They offer a convenient way to install all the essential Wharfkit packages at once, while also providing sessionKit instances that can be used quickly instantiate sessions in your applications.

The available kits are @wharfkit/starter, @wharfkit/starter-eos, @wharfkit/starter-telos, @wharfkit/starter-wax, and @wharfkit/starter-jungle.

Getting Started

Step 1: Installation

Select and install the Starter Kit that best matches your blockchain project’s needs:

For a version of the Starter Kit that will work with all the main Antelope blockchains:

npm install --save @wharfkit/starter
# or
yarn add @wharfkit/starter

For a version of the Starter Kit that is tailored to a specific blockchain:

npm install --save @wharfkit/starter-[blockchain]
# or
yarn add @wharfkit/starter-[blockchain]

# Replace [blockchain] with 'eos', 'telos', 'wax', or 'jungle'

Step 2: Using SessionKit

Use the createSessionKit method to instantiate a SessionKit instance and start a Wharf session:

import { createSessionKit } from '@wharfkit/starter';

const sessionKit = await createSessionKit();

const { session } = await sessionKit.login(); // Initiates a login request

Above, we are using a preconfigured instance of the SessionKit factory class. This instance comes bundled with a few essential Wharf plugins like the Anchor Wallet plugin and the Web Renderer.

This allows us to easily call the Login method and create a session. Because we are using the base @wharfkit/starter kit, the Login method will let the user connect his wallet to any of the main Antelope blockchains. If you are using a blockchain-specific kit, calling the Login method will only let the user connect his wallet to the specified blockchain.

Step 3: Broadcasting a Transaction

After logging your users in, utilize the session object for transaction operations. Here’s a basic example of a transfer transaction:

const transactionArguments = {
  action: {
    account: "eosio.token",
    name: "transfer",
    authorization: [session.permissionLevel],
    data: {
      to: "teamgreymass",
      quantity: "0.1337 EOS",
      memo: "wharfkit is the best <3",

const transactionResult = await session.transact(transactionArguments);

This example showcases a transfer using the eosio.token contract, employing the transact method on the session object for signing and broadcasting. For more information on how to use the transact method, you can read the Transact documentation.

Next Steps

For more information on the different features and functionalities offered by Wharfkit, we recommend reading through it’s extensive documentation. A good starting point is the SessionKit documentation, which provides thorough explanations and examples of how to use and manage sessions in your application.